Friday, August 23, 2013

#FreeviewFriday Part IV : Eye of the Soul #Fantasy #Excerpt

Welcome to Freeview Friday! Thanks J.A.Belfield for this awesome idea.

Each week I'm going to share a little snippet of my debut fantasy  novel, Eye of the Soul, which releases from J. Taylor Publishing on Oct. 7th. 

I hope you'll follow along each week and get a feel for Hyla and her world. If you missed part III it can be found HERE.


“You’ll carry your own packs and I’ll hear no complaining—of weariness or any other female ailment,” Dokar said. “Understand?”
Hyla nodded, eyes downcast. She waited while the three soldiers mounted. Saddles creaked and bridles jangled as the horses tossed their heads. One snorted and stepped forward, brushing close to Hyla.

“You’d best keep up,” Dokar leaned down and hissed, “or I’ll make it harder for you not to. Or perhaps I’ll just turn my head next time Nigen thinks about dragging you off into the woods.”


Hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to stop back next week.

As J.A. Belfield has said, any and all are welcome to join her in this weekly shenanigan. HOWEVER, if you do so, she URGES you to keep the shared snippets short and sweet. Mine (like hers) will be a maximum of TEN (10) sentences. To help identification of these posts, we’ll be hashtagging them (for Twitter purposes) as #FreeviewFriday. Feel free to knick said hashtag for your own Freeview Friday posts. Hope you’ll join us!

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