I, however, was an orphaned peasant girl of no means. Hardly any family to speak of. Yet, one cousin invited me to London and outfitted me to appear like a lady. She taught me to speak like a lady.
I fooled no one.
However…one well-to-do gentleman, a former rake, was intrigued by my innocence, my being untouched by society.
He swept me off my feet, and starved for affection, I aimed to please him in every way.
A farm-grown girl, I was expected to bear him a strong son. An heir to carry on his family’s dwindling name. When I failed to do so, his outward expression of claimed feelings for me changed.
When our longed-for three-day-old son died in my arms, unrelenting waves of sorrow ruined our love.
Hurtful words—blame—filled my ears. Abusive name-calling in drunken rages became a nightly ritual…when he bothered to come home at all.
So, why did I stay?
I could not afford a divorce, and unless I could prove an abusive spouse, one would never be granted. Society sided with their own when the truth of my husband’s nature came to light. The country-girl was shunned. Trapped, there was nothing I could do.
Until I realized the true extent of my situation—the predicament his final abusive act brought about—and my resulting desire for revenge inspired a reckless choice.
One that would take me far from corsets, evening gowns, and satin slippers. One that would grant me satisfaction.
Or so I thought.

Means of Mercy #1
by Terri Rochenski
Release Date: April 21, 2014
Genre: Historical Romance
Keywords: Romance, Historical, Series, Civil War, Scotland, 19th Century, America
Hired as a nanny for her cousin’s children, Anne Tearle finds security and a loving family. The children are a dream, but London society is a world of its own, one where a displaced farm girl has no business being. But, wealthy rake, Gavin MacKay, helps her to see associating with the upper class might not be as horrid as she first assumed.
Like all things worthwhile, love comes at a price, and the cost soon bestows more anguish than joy. Lost, but not undone, Anne must find the courage to begin life anew, or succumb to sorrow's unrelenting waves of grief.

Means of Mercy #2
by Terri Rochenski
Release Date: January 2015
Genre: Historical Romance
Keywords: Romance, Historical, Series
Will Anne's desire for revenge hinder her ability to love again?
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